Solo Rescue – DeconFilter Pro S

The perfect complement to your Solo Rescue and DeconWasher Pro S. An easy and safe way of reducing carcinogens from your wastewater.

The DeconFilter Pro S focuses on extracting and reducing the amount of carcinogenic PAH substances in the Solo Rescue and DeconWasher Pro S wastewater. During tests at a fire department and firefighter training facility in southern Sweden, wastewater samples were taken from the Solo Rescue decon washer after several training exercises and rescue operations. They were then sent to an external third-party laboratory for testing. These lab tests showed that the DeconFilter Pro S reduced the amount of PAH M and PAH H compounds (both of which are currently being classified as carcinogenic by the Swedish EPA) in the wastewater by up to 98% or below the detection level.

We use a multi-stage custom filtration to achieve these results, including a lint filter, particle filters, and an active carbon filter. This allows us to catch particles of various types and sizes and prevents them from being flushed down the drain.

The DeconFilter Pro S was developed to work seamlessly with the Solo Rescue and DeconWasher Pro S and fits perfectly on the right side of the machines using a special filter rack. It is also possible to mount the filter system on the wall for convenience if needed. The Solo Rescue filter system comes with an external water tank, including a lint filter and drain pump. This is not required for the DeconWasher Pro S since this is already built into the machine.

To ensure the efficiency of the filter system, we recommend using a filter kit replacement four times per year. However, depending on the type of fire and how often the water in the machine is changed, the filter lifetime may vary.

To make the filter exchange as easy and safe as possible, it has an open design that allows you to reach the filter cartridges on the side of the machine effortlessly.

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